Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15

1. Swam
2. Got my Keys!
3. Finished my part of a report
4. Made dinner
5. going to sleep early!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18th

1. I went on a swim for half an hour this morning. I got to use my brand new swimsuit that I bought online from, and is a style called Dolphin Uglies. Uglie, as in gaudy, as in AWESOME!
So i was relaxing in the jacuzzi and a woman who was talking about her triathalon training was also wearing the same style of suit! It was funny to see someone wearing such a fun swimsuit the first time I tried it out. A good sign.

2. 9 hours of sleep. What a luxury

3. Confirmation on 2 interviews, and an invite to easter dinner

4. My econ lab work is slow and steady, at least it is due on Wednesday..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

List #2

October 1st.
1. Art club meeting the first went pretty well
2. Talked to my mom, she's motivating
3. I had a delicious curry soup at Pierce today. Surprising and yummy
4. I had choir today, and I had jasmine tea with honey at choir. How lovely
5. I walked in on a tutoring session for tomorrows physics quiz. I scored a pretty swanky cheat sheet. That goes on the list as number 5!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Day of October. List #1

Top 5 things today:
1. Using my RA key to open one of my good friends dorm rooms to steal some candy from them, then throwing candy all over their room!
2. Doing the 20 minute shred with jillian michaels right before Diff. EQ
3. Getting a package from my mom with homemade cookies from MN and my favorite jasmine tea
4. Talking to one of my residents for a while, getting to know her better
5. Being at the beginning of the Salsa dancing seminar held by the Latin American Association on campus.